
Invest in the Youth of Your Community, Give to Champion Youth

Champion Youth Outreach Programs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The “501(c)(3)” designation refers to our tax-exempt status. All donations to Champion Youth Outreach Programs by companies or individuals are fully tax-deductible by that company or individual. Your donations along with our fundraising activities assist the continuing of youth programs across the nation.

You can make a difference with each donation that you make. We give back to the youth of our communities.  When you give, you truly receive. You can make a significant difference with each tax-deductible donation. Your generous contributions help us continue and expand our work for the children.

Please mail your donation check made payable to “Champion Youth Outreach Programs” :

Champion Youth Outreach Programs
P.O. Box 535
Newport Beach, California 92661

(949) 630-3556
(949) 400-9178

[email protected]

Or Please click the below to donate online